Route Suggestion

1. Brief Description (PP Press or 1-2 page info paper)

Transfer of route from Shore based Station to Vessel


2. Functional Capabilities (types of data à information content)

Possible to transfer route with up to 15 route segments including start and end time.

AIS capacity limits the number of WP.


3. Intended Purpose (including benefits)

To give clear recommendations to vessel about route for passage.

Will take a way misunderstandings in VHF communication.


4. Portrayal examples (means or methods of portrayal)

The transferred route gives an exact presentation of the recommended route and can be used for planning onboard the vessel.

The transferred route cannot be used for monitoring as a number of parameters such as

Turn radius, XTE are not included in the data exchange.

Routes have not been checked for monitoring or Track Control.

Drawbacks can be eliminated if the exchange protocol is modified or other means of communication is used as part of eNav.

a) good examples

b) lessons-learned

c) some concerns