Committee Dashboards


Committee presentations

Most committees have presentation sessions where participants and guest experts present their work or some interesting developments. The date/time of each presentation can be found in the calendar below, and committee participants from all committees are welcome to attend. Recordings of these presentations can be found in the Repository of Committee Presentations (Click).

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ENAV29 Presentations

Monday 14th March 2022 (during the ENAV Plenary)
Time (UTC)TopicPresenter
11.00VDES updateLars Moltsen
11.15Startup of a project of digitization of the North Sea (Dutch part)RWS
Wednesday 16th March 2022
Time (UTC)TopicPresenter
20.005G precise positioning for Ports – QualcommJean-Michel Roussequ
Shyamal Ramachandran

ENG15 Presentations

Monday 7th March 2022
Time (UTC)TopicPresenter
10.00Measurement and Calculation of Luminous Intensity of Aids to Navigation LightWang Lingyan (China MSA)
10.20Oceanographic and Tsunami monitoring buoysSamir Benouda (Mobilis)
10.40AtoN distribution adjustment practice of the main channel in Tianjin port, ChinaLi Ang (China MSA)
11.00 Introduction to the tests information on next generation RaConLiu Chunhai (China MSA)
11.20R-Mode status updateMichael Hoppe / Stefan Gewies (WSV / DLR)
11.40IEC standardisation for SBAS L1 maritime receiversGuillermo Fernandez (ESSP)
12.00ASGARD (Development of a Shipborne receiver Galileo DFMC following international performance standards; and including OSNMA capabilities)Marcos López Cabeceira (GMV)
12.20Project celebrating the Cordouan lens experimentationJacques Manchard (IALA)


ARM12 Presentations

7. IALA’s Role and Strategy for the S-200 product specifications / Minsu Jeon

6 October 2020, 1130 UTC. Video link

17. IALA World-Wide Academy Update / Kevin Gregory

Update on the activities of the Academy during the period of COVID-19.

8 October 2020, 1100 UTC. Video link

8. Ship Reporting from a Shore Based Perspective / Fred Pot

This presentation introduces the draft IALA Guideline for shore-based stakeholders to automate ship reporting processes and procedures. The guideline is intended to assist stakeholders with automating labor intensive and error prone processes and procedures while complying with local and regional requirements and with IMO FAL Resolutions.

6 October 2020, 1200 UTC. Video link

ENAV26 Presentations

1. VDES / Stefan Pielmeier

Developments in VHF Data Exchange System (VDES).
Will be delivered during ENAV26 opening plenary.

Video link

2. Satellite VDES / Dr. Junji FUKUTO

Proposals on the use of satellite VDES.
Will be delivered during ENAV26 opening plenary.

Video link

3. dPMR trial / Martijn Ebben, Derek Love

Results of the dPMR trial done at the Port of Rotterdam from a user and technical perspective.
Will be delivered during ENAV26 opening plenary.

Video link


4. Block Chain for maritime Use / Anjaney Borwanker

Anjaney (Anjan) provides the introduction course into block chain for Maritime through The Nautical Institute short course series.  He has managed to identify a 30 min slot to be with us before he begins his next course.

30 Sep, 2020 07:00 UTC. Video link


5. Big data analytics – Vessel Density Analysis – Prof. Waldo Kleynhans and Jillian Carson-Jackson

presentation on the work done to provide data to support risk assessment activities – specifically the SIRA workshops

30 Sep, 2020 07:00 UTC. Video link


6. Using artificial intelligence and big data to address risk – Robert Marshy

GSTS (Canada) – as part of a Development and Demonstration contract with the Government of Canada OCIANA Risk Assessment and Management tool to support the effective operational use of big data to address different risks, including visual presentation of the data for maritime situational awareness

30 Sep, 2020 07:00 UTC. Video link

16. Construction and Testing of VDES Project in North China Sea / Gaole Yao

8 October 2020, 1040 UTC. Video link

17. IALA World-Wide Academy Update / Kevin Gregory

Update on the activities of the Academy during the period of COVID-19.

8 October 2020, 1100 UTC. Video link

7. IALA’s Role and Strategy for the S-200 product specifications / Minsu Jeon

6 October 2020, 1130 UTC. Video link


ENG12 Presentations

7. IALA’s Role and Strategy for the S-200 product specifications / Minsu Jeon

6 October 2020, 1130 UTC. Video link

10. EGNOS performance assessment in the Gulf of Finland / Rodrigo GONZALEZ

Mr. Rodrigo González holds a M. Sc. Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. Since 2009, he has been working in the ESSP SAS providing support for the analysis and assessment of EGNOS performances. He has been in charge of different technical activities related mainly to support to in-service and major system evolutions of EGNOS programme. Finally, he is in charge of ESSP receiver laboratory and responsible of GNSS receiver platform configuration control as well as monitoring, analysing and reporting of GNSS receiver platform performance. In parallel, he has been participating in several H2020 projects, ESSP projects related with positioning in multimodal domains (aeronautical, maritime, railway, agriculture, drones) and in GNSS standardisation fora such as EUROCAE and RTCA

7 October 2020, 1000-1020 UTC.  Video link



11. R-Mode Baltic presentation / Michael Hoppe and Stefan Gewies

Main Topics:

  • the installation of MF R-Mode test bed in the Baltic Sea
  • VDES R-Mode activities/results
  • Status VDES R-Mode standardization
  • MF R-Mode measurement campaign in the MF R-mode test bed with Fyrbyggaren

7 October 2020, 1020-1040 UTC. Video link

14. Measurement Method for Surface Colours of Visual Aids to Navigation / Wang Lingyan

8 October 2020, 1000-1020 UTC. Video link

15. Use of Modern Equipment on Heritage Lighthouses / Li Ai

8 October 2020, 1020-1040 UTC. Video link

17. IALA World-Wide Academy Update / Kevin Gregory

Update on the activities of the Academy during the period of COVID-19.

8 October 2020, 1100 UTC. Video link

9. Galileo Maritime Safety Information / Maria Mota

7 October 2020, 0940-1000 UTC. Video link

VTS49 Presentations

7. IALA’s Role and Strategy for the S-200 product specifications / Minsu Jeon

6 October 2020, 1130 UTC. Video link

17. IALA World-Wide Academy Update / Kevin Gregory

Update on the activities of the Academy during the period of COVID-19.

8 October 2020, 1100 UTC. Video link

12. Vision on future VTS / Harmen van Dorsser

Harmen van Dorsser is project manager VTS innovations at the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. To prepare the Port of Rotterdam and her VTS services on the coming of digital ships and MASS concepts the Port of Rotterdam joint the recently founded MASSPorts network. Under the supervision of Mr van Dorsser the Port of Rotterdam has written a discussion paper about key drivers and principles of VTS innovation and the future of VTS. Participants of the Committee are invited to take notice of a presentation about this discussion paper. The presentation might be food for thought for the discussions about the IALA vision for future VTS which is scheduled to start in VTS50.

7 October 2020, 1040 – 1100 UTC. Video link

13. VTS Human Factors / Margareta Holtensdotter Lützhöft, Ben Brooks, Gesa Praetorius

Margareta Lützhöft is a master mariner, trained at Kalmar Maritime Academy in Sweden. After leaving the sea, she studied for a Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive science and a Master’s in Computer Science. In 2004 she received a PhD in Human-Machine Interaction. Presently she is holding a position as Professor in the MarSafe group at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Her research interests include human-centered design and the effects of new technology.

7 October 2020, 1100 – 1120 UTC. Video link

18. Presentation on the use of VTS portable simulators for training / Carlos Fernández Salinas

Carlos Fernández Salinas (VTS Head of Area at the Spanish Maritime Safety and Rescue Agency) has written more than seventy articles published in professional and informative magazines, including “Seaways” and “The Journal of Navigation”. He has also written a number of technical publications and has participated in the IALA VTS Committee since  2013.

13 October 2020, 1000 UTC. Video link