
E-Bulletin September 2024

E-Bulletin: Editorial

Message from the Secretary-General

We were sorry to learn of the death on 14 August of Mme Christiane Ville, former head of administration at IALA. This was sad news for she was instrumental in the success of IALA over the many years she was part of the organisation, from its origins in 1957 to her retirement in 1991. Even […]

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Message from the S-G

As I write preparations are being made around the world by our international membership to celebrate the World Marine Aids to Navigation Day (WAtoN Day) which falls on 1 July and marks the day IALA was created in 1957. On that day I will be speaking during the webinar organized for the eventa following the […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

The first quarter of 2021 has been an extremely positive period for the Association. The Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation is now open for signature and the 14th IALA Symposium is just around the corner. The theme of the Symposium is enhanced maritime safety and efficiency by connectivity and features […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

In many ways, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has reaffirmed IALA’s resilience and strengthened the close collaboration that is the Association’s hallmark. As this most challenging year draws to a close, I look back with pride and gratitude on the work achieved thanks to the steadfast determination of all concerned to work together productively. The enforced […]

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Virtual committee meetings arrangements

Following the announcement at council 71 that the committee meetings for the second half of 2020 will be held virtually, the secretariat developed a paper on the arrangements needed for such meetings. These working arrangements are uniform across all committees and are extra-ordinary in nature due to exceptional circumstances that prohibit face-to-face meetings in the […]

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IALA’s work during Covid-19 pandemic

The IALA staff have been working from home since March 16, 2020 as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. After the announcement of the French government that a strict lock down would be put in place, the IALA headquarters was shut down and the whole staff started to work from home. The staff benefited from […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

With IALA having reached a record worldwide membership at the start of 2020, I have every confidence in the Association’s strength to continue to meet the needs of the global maritime community for safety of navigation and protection of the environment. As we approach the Diplomatic Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur during the […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

I am very pleased that a modernized, clear and harmonized framework for the effective operation of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) into the future is ready for wider consultation and eventual adoption by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The VTS Committee, late last month (September 2019), unanimously endorsed the results of its comprehensive revision work on […]

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Message from SG

I have been very pleased – and indeed amazed – about the enthusiastic initiatives of members around the world to celebrate the first World Marine Aids to Navigation (WAtoN) Day on 1 July. Events organized worldwide are an excellent way to make IALA’s technical achievements [for the safe and efficient movement of vessels and the […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

The prospect of the Diplomatic Conference to adopt the draft Convention taking place in early 2020 marks a defining step towards the Association’s transition to Intergovernmental Organization status. More information on this latest development – the result of the Third Preparatory Diplomatic Conference superbly hosted by the Turkish Directorate-General for Coastal Safety in Istanbul from […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

Welcome to the first 2019 edition of the IALA e-Bulletin, and Happy New Year to all our readers! I have every confidence that 2019 will be another year of dynamic progress for both IALA and the World-Wide Academy (WWA). The very busy 68th session of the Council, held at our Headquarters in December, marked the […]

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Following the traditional August holiday season in France, the IALA home team is in top gear to serve this year’ series of committee meetings at our Saint-Germain-en-Laye headquarters. The four technical committees will each meet one week in quick succession throughout October – commencing with VTS45 and ENAV22, ENG8 and ARM8 following in this order. […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

The 19th IALA Conference held at Incheon’s prestigious Songdo ConvensiA Centre from 28 May to 2 June 2018 beat all previous records, attracting over 500 participants from 65 countries spread around the globe. The large exhibition staged by the Industrial Members’ Committee also had a record number of exhibitors and was supported by a special […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

In 10 weeks from now the magnificent “Songdo ConvensiA” international convention centre of Incheon will open its doors to the 19th IALA Conference. Members who wish to attend should register online as soon as possible ( The closing date for pre-registration at a discounted rate is 13 May. The Conference, which will officially open on […]

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Message from the Secretary-General: IALA enters 2018 with great optimism

As the IALA Secretariat is busy putting the finishing touches to outstanding tasks before closing for the traditional festive season from Thursday evening 21 December onwards (reopening on Wednesday morning 3 January), I use the opportunity to wish all our Members as well as my hard-working and dedicated Secretariat colleagues a Merry Christmas and Happy […]

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Message from the SG

As we enter the last quarter of this year, there is much to be done to round off 2017 and also much to look forward to. As this latest e-Bulletin issue goes out, the ENAV Committee will be holding its 21st session, to be followed by VTS44 and, in October, by ENG7 and ARM7. The […]

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Message from IALA Secretary-General Francis Zachariae

I am very pleased that the First Preparatory Diplomatic Conference held in Paris on 18 and 19 April was successful in taking an important, concrete step towards achieving IALA’s change of status to that of an intergovernmental organization (IGO). Agreement was reached on a Roadmap towards a full-fledged Diplomatic Conference to adopt the new IALA […]

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Message from IALA Secretary-General Francis Zachariae

As this second IALA e-Bulletin is ready for distribution to your in-box, the start of the annual round of IALA Committee meetings is imminent. ENAV20 and VTS43 will take place in quick session during the weeks of 13th and 20th March. This will also provide a meeting opportunity for the newly established informal group tasked […]

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La Secretaría de IALA les desea a todos los Miembros y organizaciones internacionales socias un ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Hay mucho que esperar para el 2017, que coincide con el 60° aniversario de la creación de IALA. Para marcar el inicio de este hito, la secretaría está lanzando una newsletter electrónica – el e-Boletín. Este es el primer número introductorio, presentado por el Secretario General de IALA, Francis Zachariae, quien comenta brevemente los últimos […]

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Le Secrétariat de l’AISM souhaite une très bonne année à tous les membres de l’AISM et à toutes ses organisations partenaires!

Il y a beaucoup à attendre de 2017, qui coïncide avec le 60ème anniversaire de la création de l’AISM. Pour marquer le début de cette année charnière, le Secrétariat inaugure son bulletin d’information électronique, le e-Bulletin. Il s’agit là du tout premier numéro, présenté par le Secrétaire général Francis Zachariae, qui commente brièvement les évènements […]

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