VTS - 42

Date: 01/08/2016 to 05/08/2016
Venue: Impiana KLCC Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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This meeting contains 75 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
14 14. Session report
Document title: VTS42-14 Report VTS42
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS42-1.2 agenda
09 Jun 2016
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS42-1.4 Programme for the week
09 Jun 2016
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.0 Input paper Committee meeting template
09 Jun 2016
11.1 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS42-11.1 Overall status of the VTS work programme 2014-18 after VTS41
06 Sep 2016
8.2.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.2.2 (VTS41-12.2.10) WG1-MSP-work_sheet
06 Sep 2016
10.3.1 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS42-10.3.1 (VTS41-12.2.3) Guidance on Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS
06 Sep 2016
11.3 11. Review of curren Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS42-11.3 - AMSA Input VTS Manual
06 Sep 2016
6.3.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS42-6.3.1 WWA brief to VTS-42 Aug 2016
06 Sep 2016
9.2.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS42-9.2.1 (VTS41-12.2.6) WG2_djt_thoughts_on_acceptance_of_vts_system
06 Sep 2016
3.5.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.5.1 (ARM4-12.1.7) Liaison to VTS and ENG on MSP
06 Sep 2016
3.4.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.4.2 (ENAV18-14.1.30) draft IALA e-navigation Road Map
06 Sep 2016
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS42-1.4 Programme for the week
06 Sep 2016
3.5.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.5.2 (ARM4-12.1.6) Draft Guideline on Navigational Safety within MSP 20 APR 2016-1
06 Sep 2016
10.2.1 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS42-10.2.1 (VTS41-12.2.1) IALA Recommendation V-103
06 Sep 2016
8.2.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.2.1 (VTS41-12.2.9) WG1-REVISED MSP1 and MSP2 annex_to_liasion_note_to_vts_committee
06 Sep 2016
3.4.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.4.1 (ENAV18-14.1.24) Liaison Note to all IALA Committees and PAP post plenary
06 Sep 2016
8.3.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.3.2 (VTS41-12.2.12) Guideline on Measures to Evaluate the Effectiveness of VTS
06 Sep 2016
12.1.7 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.7 Liason note to ARM on Marine Spatial Planning
06 Sep 2016
12.1.1 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.1 Liaison to Council on Guideline on marine casualty incident reporting and recording
06 Sep 2016
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.1.2 (VTS41-12.2.17) 1111 update 2 dictionary abbreviations new 20160311
06 Sep 2016
4.4.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.4.1 (SBMS1-10.1) Report IALA WS on Shore-based Mar Services from Theory to Practical Use final
06 Sep 2016
12.1.3 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.3 Compelling Needs (Final-VTS42)
06 Sep 2016
12.2.9 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.9 WG3 Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS
06 Sep 2016
8.1.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.1.2 comments on guideline
06 Sep 2016
12.2.2 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.2 WG1-WP2 (Effectiveness)
06 Sep 2016
3.3.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.3.2 (ENAV18-10.6) Final public summary of FAROS Project
06 Sep 2016
4.3.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.3.1 IMO MSC 96 report
06 Sep 2016
8.6.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.6.2 - AMSA Input A-857
06 Sep 2016
3.2.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.2.2 (ENAV18-9.16.2) IALA Draft Product Specification IVEF v0.0.4 20160104
06 Sep 2016
9.3.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS42-9.3.1 (VTS41-12.2.7) Task 2.3.1 draft guideline on the interaction with external stakeholders
06 Sep 2016
8.7.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.7.2 (VTS41-12.2.15) PNT-relevant topics to VDES 20151008
06 Sep 2016
12.1.4 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.4 Response to DWG on papers VTS 42_3_1_1 and VTS42_4_2_2
06 Sep 2016
3.3.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.3.3 (ENAV18-14.1.3) Liaison Note to VTS ARM on Future Work identified in Accseas post plenary
06 Sep 2016
12.2.5 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.5 WG2 Task 2_2_1 Draft Guideline on acceptance of VTS Systems
06 Sep 2016
12.2.3 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.3 WG1-WP3 (Communications)
06 Sep 2016
4.3.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.3.3 IMO NCSR3 report
06 Sep 2016
8.1.5 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.1.5 - Attachment to VTS42 - AMSA Input Marine Casualty Incident Reporting
06 Sep 2016
12.2.1 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.1 WG1-WP1 (MSP)
06 Sep 2016
3.1.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.1.1 (VTS41-12.2.16) 1111 update 2 dictionary definitions new 20160311
06 Sep 2016
3.2.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.2.3 (ENAV18-9.16.3) IALA S100 Gap Analyse v0.1.1 20160104
06 Sep 2016
8.1.4 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.1.4 - AMSA Input Marine Casualty Incident Reporting
06 Sep 2016
3.2.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.2.4 (ENAV18-9.16.4) IALA S100 Recommendation Gap v0.1.1 20160104
06 Sep 2016
8.5.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.5.2 - AMSA Input Communications
06 Sep 2016
8.7.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.7.1 (VTS41-12.2.14) Liaison note re draft Guideline on VDES User Requirements
06 Sep 2016
4.3.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.3.2 (C 116-4-1) - Trends, Developments and Challenges facing the IMO in the 20...
06 Sep 2016
3.3.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.3.1 (ENAV18-14.1.4) Liaison Note to VTS ARM on the FAROS project version 2 post plenary
06 Sep 2016
2.2 2. Review of last meeting
Document title: VTS42-2.2 (VTS41-14) Report VTS41 final
06 Sep 2016
8.3.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.3.1 (VTS41-12.2.11) Guideline on Measures to Evaluate the Effectiveness of VTS - Cover Doc
06 Sep 2016
12.1.5 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.5 WG1-output update dictionary abbreviations_ver2
06 Sep 2016
11.2 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS42-11.2 (VTS41-11.3) 2014-18_work_programme_task_register_update_vts41_rev1_
06 Sep 2016
8.1.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.1.1 (VTS41-12.2.8) WG1-draft_guideline_incident_accident_reporting
06 Sep 2016
9.1.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS42-9.1.1 (VTS41-12.2.5) Task 2.1.1 draft Recommendation on Portrayal of VTS information and data
06 Sep 2016
8.6.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.6.1 (VTS41-12.2.2) proposed approach to update IMO Res A.857(20)
06 Sep 2016
4.2.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.2.1 (PAP31-21 1) Draft report PAP31_V2
06 Sep 2016
8.1.3 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.1.3 (vts41-12.2.8) wg1_draft_guideline_incident_accident_reporting-corrected
06 Sep 2016
3.3.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.3.4 Input paper to ENAV and VTS on VDES in VTS Manual
06 Sep 2016
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.1.1 Final report Council 62
06 Sep 2016
4.4.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.4.2 (SBMS1-9.1) VTS MSP Matrix - New template V.2
06 Sep 2016
12.1.6 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.6 Liaison note to Joint VTS-ENAV on accseas
06 Sep 2016
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS42-1.2 Agenda
06 Sep 2016
4.2.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS42-4.2.2 DWG5 Report - Dictionary Working Group 20160701
06 Sep 2016
8.5.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS42-8.5.1 (VTS41-12.2.13) WG1-draft_guideline_on_vts_communications
06 Sep 2016
6.2 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS42-6.2.1 VTS Questionnaire
06 Sep 2016
12.2.4 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.4 WG2 Task 2_1_1 Draft Recommendation on Portrayal of VTS Information and data
06 Sep 2016
3.2.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS42-3.2.1 (ENAV18-14.1.18) Liaison note to VTS Committee on S-200 product specification for the IVEF service
06 Sep 2016
12.1.2 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.2 draft Guideline on marine casualty incident reporting and recording
06 Sep 2016
10.3.2 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS42-10.3.2 (VTS41-12.2.4) Workshop HFE in VTS report v1.0
06 Sep 2016
12.2.7 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.7 WG3 Draft recommendation V-103
06 Sep 2016
2.1 2. Review of last meeting
Document title: VTS42-2.1 Action Items VTS41
06 Sep 2016
12.2.6 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.6 WG2 Task 2_3_1 Draft_guideline_on_the_interaction_with other stakeholders
06 Sep 2016
12.1.8 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS42-12.1.8 Liaison to ENAV on ENAV Road Map
06 Sep 2016
12.2.8 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS42-12.2.8 WG3 (VTS42-10.2.2) VTS Manager Training
06 Sep 2016
10.2.2 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS42-10.2.2 VTS Manager Training
06 Sep 2016
Document title: VTS42 Committee photo
06 Sep 2016
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