VTS - 43

Date: 20/03/2017 to 24/03/2017
Venue: IALA

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This meeting contains 111 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
14 14. Session report
Document title: VTS43-14 Report VTS43
6.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS43-6.1 WWA VTS Committee brief
12.1.4 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.4 Liaison to Council re MSC Circular
12.1.3 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.3 Liaison to PAP on DWG definitions
12.1.2 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.2 Liaison to Secretariat and PAP re IALA Standards
12.1.1 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.1 Liaison to Council on name change task 2-3-1
12.1.20 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.20 Annex 3, Draft MSP 3,Traffic Organisation Service Template 170321
13.1 13. Any other business
Document title: VTS43-13.1 19th IALA Conference Promotional Presentation
1.1 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS43-1.1 Secretariat Presentation VTS43
6.4 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS43-6.4 The Quality Management System of VTS
6.3 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS43-6.3 IALA 43rd VTS Committee introduction of ASEAN Regional VTS Training 20170319
6.2 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS43-6.2 RISE_2017-03-20_PortCDM_BM-NoM
3.3.9 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.9 (ENAV20-14.1.20) Liaison to ENG-ANM-VTS On Use of Racons in Busy Harbours
12.1.6 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.6 Liaison to Council-Secretariat-ENAV re VDES
3.3.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.8 (ENAV20-12.2) NIPWG3 IALA-IHO Interaction on the IMO Maritime Service Portfolio Program
8.2.5 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.2.5 (ENAV20-14.1.12) liaison note from ENAV to VTS re MSPs post plenary
3.3.11 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.11 (ENAV20-14.1.24) Liaison Note - VTS plenary
3.3.10 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.10 (ENAV20-13.11) On Racons in Busy Harbours 24 February 2017
3.2.9 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.9 Executive summary_International Workshop on Next Generation VTS
3.3.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.7 (ENAV20-4.9) MTCAS- An e-Navigation Assistance System for Cooperative Collision Avoidance at Sea
3.2.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.8 Report IALA Workshop on VTS Communications
3.1.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.8 (PAP33-10.2) Recommendations Plans for Standards
8.5.3 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.5.3 Input on draft VTS Communications Recommendation
8.2.4 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.2.4 Annex 2, MSP 2, Navigational Assistance Service Template
8.2.3 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.2.3 Annex 1, MSP 1, Information Service Template
12.1.5 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.5 Proposed IMO MSC Input - Updating MSC Circ 1065
12.1.7 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.7 Liaison to Council on submission to MSC ref A 857_20 (Rev 1)
4.2.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS43-4.2.2 DWG liaison note to VTS43 re Dictionary definitions
12.2.6 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.6 WG1 Draft IALA Guideline on MSP1,2,3 VTS v0.1
11.2.1 11.2 Future Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: VTS43-11.2.1 Proposed 2018-22 Work Programme rev 7
12.2.4 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.4 (VTS43-10.3.1) WG3 Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS
12.2.3 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.3 (VTS43-9.3.2) WG2 Task 2.3.1 Draft Guideline on the interaction with other stakeholders rev2b
12.2.2 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.2 (VTS43-9.2.1) WG2 Task 2.2.1 Draft Guideline on Acceptance of VTS Systems - output document draft
12.2.1 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.1 WG2 Recommendation on Portrayal of VTS Information and Data V-xxx - 2017-03-23
12.2.12 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.12 WG1 Draft Guideline on VTS Radiotelephony Communications v.1.1
12.2.11 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.11 WG1 VTS Communications Recommendation v.1.0 Clean
12.2.10 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.10 WG1 Draft Guideline for setting objectives for a VTS and achieving them
12.2.9 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.9 WG1 Annex 3, Draft MSP 3,Traffic Organisation Service Template 170321
12.2.8 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.8 WG1 Annex 2, MSP 2, Navigational Assistance Service Template
12.2.7 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.7 WG1 Annex 1, MSP 1, Information Service Template
12.2.5 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS43-12.2.5 Draft Guideline on VTS Awareness for Navigating Officers
12.1.8 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.8 Liaison to Council re Recommendation V-103
12.1.19 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.19 Annex 2, MSP 2, Navigational Assistance Service Template
12.1.18 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.18 Annex 1, MSP 1, Information Service Template
12.1.17 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.17 Draft IALA Guidelines on MSPs v8
12.1.16 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.16 Liaison to ENAV on MSPs
12.1.15 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.15 Liaison to Council on change task name for VTS effectiveness
12.1.14 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.14 Liaison to ARM on MAtoNs
12.1.13 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.13 Liaison to Council on media relations
12.1.12 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.12 Proposed Draft IMO Submission A.857(20) 230317
12.1.11 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.11 Liaison to Secretariat re VTS Model Courses
12.1.10 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.10 Liaison to AMSA re V-103
12.1.9 12.1 Output papers
Document title: VTS43-12.1.9 Draft revision of Recommendation V-103
8.2.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.2.2 template for MSP 1.1.4
10.2.10 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.10 Input re V103 Docs
9.3.2 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS43-9.3.2 (VTS42-12.2.6) rev MH WG2 Task 2.3.1 Draft Guideline on the interaction with other stakeholders rev1
4.2.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS43-4.2.1 (C63-8.1) Report PAP32
9.2.2 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS43-9.2.2 (VTS42-12.2.5) rev MH WG2 Task 2.2.1 Draft Guideline on Acceptance of VTS Systems rev1
9.2.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS43-9.2.1 (VTS42-12.2.5) WG2 Task 2.2.1 Draft Guideline on Acceptance of VTS Systems
9.1.2 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS43-9.1.2 (VTS42-12.2.4) rev MH WG2 Task 2.1.1 Draft Recommendation on Portrayal of VTS Information and data rev1
9.1.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS43-9.1.1 (VTS42-12.2.4) WG2 Task 2.1.1 Draft Recommendation on Portrayal of VTS Information and data
8.6.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.6.1 (VTS42-12.1.3) Compelling Needs (Final-VTS42)
8.5.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.5.2 (VTS42-12.2.3) rev MH WG1-WP3 Draft Guideline on VTS Radiotelegraphy Communications rev1
8.5.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.5.1 (VTS42-12.2.3) WG1-WP3 Draft Guideline on VTS Radiotelegraphy Communications
8.3.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.3.2 (VTS42-12.2.2) rev MH WG1-WP2 Draft Guideline on Measures to Evaluate the Effectiveness of VTS rev2
8.3.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.3.1 (VTS42-12.2.2) WG1-WP2 Draft Guideline on Measures to Evaluate the Effectiveness of VTS
8.2.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.2.1 (VTS42-12.2.1) WG1-WP1 (MSP)
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS43-4.1.1 (C63-19-2) Approved report of Council 63
8.6.3 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.6.3 Proposed Draft IMO Submission A.857(20)
3.2.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.2 Revision of Working Papers
3.2.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.1 Report VTS2016 Final
3.1.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.7 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1070 Information Services
3.1.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.6 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies
3.1.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.5 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification
3.1.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.4 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services
3.1.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.3 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.2 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
3.1.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.1 (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements
3.1.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.1.0 Draft IALA Standards
2.2 2. Review of last meeting
Document title: VTS43-2.2 (VTS42-14) Report VTS42
9.3.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS43-9.3.1 (VTS42-12.2.6) WG2 Task 2.3.1 Draft Guideline on the interaction with other stakeholders
10.2.1 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.1 (VTS42-12.2.7) WG3 Draft revision of Recommendation V-103
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS43-1.4 Programme for the week
3.2.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.4 V-103-1 Ed2 Model Course VTS Operator_Dec2009
8.6.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS43-8.6.2 Proposed Updates to IMO Resolution A.857(20)
3.2.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.7 WG3 comments on Questionnaire
3.2.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.6 Feedback VTS Questionnaire WG3
10.2.5 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.5 explanatory note - reformat of Recommendation V-103
10.2.6 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.6 (VTS42-12.2.7) rev KG WG3 Draft revision of Recommendation V-103 rev1[1]
10.2.9 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.9 Proposed IMO MSC Input - Updating MSC Circ 1065
10.2.8 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.8 VTS Ctee Input re IMO MSC Circ 1065 update
10.2.7 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.7 rev KG Draft IALA Guideline 1xxx on the Standards for Training and Certification of VTS Personnel (to accompany V-103)
11.1.1 11.1 Current Work Programme (2014 - 2018)
Document title: VTS43-11.1.1 Overall status of the VTS work programme 2014-18 after VTS42
3.2.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.5 IALA Model Course V-103-1 Ed.2 December 2009 Draft 11Jan17 - MH comment
3.2.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.2.3 Reformatting VTS Model Courses
10.2.2 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.2 (VTS42-12.2.7) rev MH WG3 Draft revision of Recommendation V-103 rev1
3.3.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.6 (ARM5-12.2.9) WG2-navguide_2015_tracking_table
3.3.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.5 (ARM5-12.1.8) Liaison to all committees - reminder on the NAVGUIDE
3.3.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.4 (ARM5-12.2.8) WG1 IALA Guideline MAtoN ARM 5 v2
3.3.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.3 (ARM5-12.2.7) WG1 IALA Recommendation MAtoN ARM 5_v2
3.3.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.2 (ARM5-12.1.5) Liaison to ENAV-VTS-ENG on Mobile AtoN
3.3.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.3.1 (ENAV19-14.1.23) Liason note to VTS Cttee on e-Navigation road map
2.1 2. Review of last meeting
Document title: VTS43-2.1 Action Items VTS42
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS43-1.2 Agenda VTS43
10.3.1 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.3.1 (VTS42-12.2.9) WG3 Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS
10.2.4 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.4 (VTS42-12.2.8) WG3 (VTS42-10.2.2) VTS Manager Training
10.2.3 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS43-10.2.3 Draft IALA Guideline 1xxx on the Standards for Training and Certification of VTS Personnel (to accompany V-103)
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS43-3.0 Input paper Committee meeting template
0.2 0.2 General Information
Document title: VTS43-0.2 General Information
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Jan 2017
0.1 0.1 Hotel Information
Document title: VTS43-0.1 Hotel Information
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Jan 2017
Document title: VTS43 Committee photo
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