Buoy position monitoring

Parameter Description
Introduction/Additional information Buoy position monitoring
Registrant Trinity House
Message number 6
DAC 235
FI 20
State In force
Number of slots (max) 1
Permitted as from 1/4/2019


Parameter Number of bits Description
Message ID 6 Message identifier, always 6.
Repeat Indicator 2 Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has been repeated.

0 – 3; default = 0; 3 = do not repeat any more.

Source ID 30 The AtoN MMSI number
Sequence Number 2 0-3
Destination ID 30 Destination MMSI number
Retransmit Flag 1 Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission:

0 = no retransmission = default

1 = retransmitted.

Spare 1 Not used, set to ‘0’
DAC 10 UK & NI area code – set to 235
FI 6 Function identifier – set to 20
Station name 204 The AtoN name
UTC Day 5 1-31

0=not available = default

UTC Hour 5 0-23

24 = not available = default

UTC Minute 6 0-59

60 = not available = default

Longitude 28 Longitude in 1/10 000 min (180°, East = positive (as per 2’s complement), West = negative (as per 2’s complement).  181 = not available = default)
Latitude 27 Latitude in 1/10 000 min (±90°, North = positive (as per 2’s complement), South = negative (as per 2’s complement). 91°  = not available = default)
Off Position Status 1 0 = on position, 1 = off position
Spare 4 Not used, set to 0

Note: The IALA ASM Collection is not an endorsement of any message, and is not an authority for any DAC/FI combinations