ENG - 12

Date: 30/09/2020 to 16/10/2020
Venue: Virtual Committee

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This meeting contains 73 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: ENG12-1.2.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: IALA Secretariat
28 Sep 2020
1.4.1 1.4. New working arrangements for ENG12
Document title: ENG12-1.4.1 Virtual Committee Working Arrangements
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Sep 2020
1.4.2 1.4. New working arrangements for ENG12
Document title: ENG12-1.4.2 Virtual Committees Platform Training
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Sep 2020
2.1.1 2.1 Review of action items from ENG10
Document title: ENG12-2.1.1 ENG10 Action Items
Originator: IALA Secretariat
14 Sep 2020
2.1.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENG12-2.1.2 Report of ENG10 (ENG10-15.1)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
14 Sep 2020
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ENG12-3.0 Input paper Committee meeting template
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Jul 2020
3.0.0 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.0.0 List of Input Papers
05 Oct 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Input Draft G1134 on Surface Colours used as Visual Signals on AtoN
Originator: Danish Maritime Authority
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- G1134 Surface Colours Used as Visual Signals on AtoN_Dec2017
Originator: Danish Maritime Authority
15 Sep 2020
3.1.2 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.2 The Proposal of a Measurement Method for Surface Colours of Visual Aids to Navigation
Originator: MSA China
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Input Draft Guideline G1135
Originator: GRAD
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- G1135 Effective Intensity Revision
Originator: GRAD
15 Sep 2020
3.1.4 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.4 Method of Measuring Light Source Degradation
Originator: GRAD
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- G1008-Ed2-Remote Control and Monitoring_June-2009
Originator: Middle East Navigation Aids Service
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- G1008-Ed3-Draft UPDATE Remote Control and Monitoring
Originator: Hidrovia S.A.
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Inputs for IALA G1008 rev1_MENAS
Originator: MENAS
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Input on Solar Panel Guideline v2
Originator: Trinity House
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Draft_Guideline_solar_modules - 31-08-20. rev D
Originator: Trinity House
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Input draft Guideline on radar reflectors
Originator: WSV
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Draft_Guideline_on_radar_reflectors
Originator: WSV
15 Sep 2020
3.1.8 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.8 Draft Guideline AtoN equipment exposed to extreme environmental conditions
Originator: Hidrovia S.A
15 Sep 2020
3.1.9 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.9 Input Wave loading on rock lighthouses v3
Originator: Trinity House
15 Sep 2020
3.1.10 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.10 Application of modern technology on conventional large beacon
Originator: Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation
15 Sep 2020
3.1.11 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.11 Construction of standardized remote control and monitoring system of aids to navigation in China
Originator: MSA China
15 Sep 2020
3.1.12 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.12 WG3 plan for correspondence working
Originator: ENG WG3 Chairs
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- GLA DGPS user consultation - ENG12 & ARM12
Originator: GRAD
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- GLA DGPS user consultation survey (final) v2 (clean)
Originator: GRAD
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Closure of GLA DGPS service
Originator: GRAD
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Summary Input paper on EGNOS perfo along Finnish coast
Originator: ESSP
22 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Input paper on EGNOS perfo along Finnish coast
Originator: ESSP
22 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- GNSS_performance_Gulf_Finland_Nov2019
Originator: ESSP
15 Sep 2020
3.1.15 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.15 Information update of BDS and BDSBAS
Originator: China waterborne Transport Research Institute
22 Sep 2020
3.1.17 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.17 Draft Recommendation on augmentation services - cover note
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.18 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.18 Draft IALA Recommendation on Provision of GNSS Augmentation Services for maritime applications
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.19 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.19 Draft Recommendation on Terrestrial radionavigation services - cover note
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.20 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.20 DRAFT IALA Recommendation on Terrestrial Radionavigation Services (post ENG11)
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.21 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.21 Draft Guideline 1147 pfm 19 May 2020 WD
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.22 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.22 Resilient PNT Guideline v2
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.23 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.23 Draft G on R-Mode Implementation using MF radio beacon and VHF transmissons post ws (ENG10- )
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.24 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.24 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification_CGupdatingV0.1
Originator: From ENG CG3
28 Sep 2020
3.1.25 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.25 IALA WWRNP - (from ENG11)
Originator: From ENG CG3
15 Sep 2020
3.1.26 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.26 Use of Modern Equipment on Heritage Lighthouses
Originator: MSA China
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Information paper to IALA technical committee JCG meeting
Originator: Japan Coast Guard
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Report of international meeting for MASS infrastructure
Originator: International meeting for MASS infrastructure
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- NL Paper on the Impact of MASS on VTS (C71-8.5.1)
Originator: The Netherlands
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Liaison Note to ENG on AtoN provision in cold climates (ARM10-13.2.1)
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Liaison note to ENG on auto-releasing EMWB (ARM10-13.2.3)
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Liaison Note to ENG on VDES R-Mode (ENAV24-12.3.7)
Originator: ENAV Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Liaison note to ENG on Guideline on Tidal Current Signal System post plenary (ARM11-13.2.4)
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Annex 1 Draft G on Meteorological and Hydrological Data Dissemination post plenary (ARM11-
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Liaison note to ENG on G1116 Selection-of-Rhythmic-Characters-post plenary (ARM11-13.2.3)
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Annex 1 Draft G1116 Selection of Rhythmic Characters (ARM11-
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12- Liaison note to ENG to amend Rec E-110 with the character for Mobile AtoN post plenary (ARM11-13.2.5)
Originator: ARM Committee
15 Sep 2020
3.1.29 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.29 Maritime Precise Positioning and Integrity Monitoring R&D Project Status in the Republic of Korea
Originator: KRISO / MOF
16 Sep 2020
3.1.30 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.30 USCG Input Geodetic Datum as it Relates to Positioning Aids to Navigations
Originator: USCG
18 Sep 2020
3.1.31 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.31 NAVGUIDE 2022 publication plan for second half 2020
Originator: ENG Committee Chairs
18 Sep 2020
3.1.32 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.32 Inter-committee Work July 2020 (for the Committees second half 2020)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Sep 2020
3.1.33 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.33 ENG12 WG4 proposal
Originator: WG4 Chair/Vice Chair
22 Sep 2020
3.1.34 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.34 Introduction to Korean R-Mode testbed project(TRACE)
Originator: KRISO / MOF
23 Sep 2020
3.1.35 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.35 Test of Differential Loran Information Broadcast Based on RBN
Originator: China MSA
25 Sep 2020
3.1.36 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.36 Proposals on the key issues in the implementation of the VHF R-Mode
Originator: Dalian Maritime University
30 Sep 2020
3.1.37 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.37 Input paper on Galileo
Originator: GSA
05 Oct 2020
3.1.38 3.1 Review of input papers to ENG 12
Document title: ENG12-3.1.38 LN CIRM ENG On the Effect of Radars on Racons in Busy Harbours
Originator: CIRM
05 Oct 2020
4.1.1 4.1.1 IALA Council
Document title: ENG12- Workshop proposal on Marine AtoN in the autonomous world (PAP39-8.4)(C71-8.2.2)
Originator: IALA Council 71
09 Sep 2020
4.1.1 4.1.1 IALA Council
Document title: ENG12-4.1.1 Final report Council 71
Originator: IALA Council 71
15 Sep 2020 Drivers & Trends
Document title: ENG12- drivers and trends ed1.2 (C71-8.1.1)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Sep 2020
4.1.2 4.1.2 IALA Policy Advisory Panel (PAP)
Document title: ENG12- 4.1.2 Report of PAP40 (PAP40-8.1)
Originator: IALA PAP40
09 Sep 2020 Technical Documents Catalogue
Document title: ENG12- Technical documents Catalogue
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Sep 2020
6.5 6 Advertising Online Presentations
Document title: ENG12-6.5 Presentation-ENG-WG1- Measurement Method for Surface Colors of Visual Aids to Navigation
Originator: China MSA
28 Sep 2020
6.6 6 Advertising Online Presentations
Document title: ENG12-6.6 Use of Modern Equipment on Heritage Lighthouses
Originator: China MSA
28 Sep 2020
7.1 7. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ENG12-7.1 Committee Work Programme for 2018-2022 (ENG10-7.1.1)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Sep 2020
7.2 7. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ENG12-7.2 WP ENG Task Plan 2018-22 (ENG10-7.1.2)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Sep 2020
14 14. Review of session report
Document title: ENG12-14.1 Report of ENG12
Originator: IALA Secretariat
18 Dec 2020
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