News & Events


A delegation from the Saudi Ports Authority, headed by Director General, Administration, Mr. Musaed Bin Abdulrahman Al Drees, have visited IALA Headquarters, located in Saint Germain En Laye, France.

The Saudi Ports Authority visits IALA Headquarters

During the visit, a meeting with the IALA Secretary General Mr. Francis Zachariae was held to discuss the mutual interests and cooperation in the various fields of Aids to Navigation, including the training and subsequent qualifying of the Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) operators, Automatic Identification System (AIS), LORAN system and the possibility of upgrading it to eLoran.

The Secretary-General has left a message in the book of condolences at the Town Hall after the tragic death of the Mayor of Saint Germain en Laye, Mr Emmanuel LAMY


It was a shock for all in the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) to learn that the Mayor, Mr Lamy, had passed away in the middle of his important project to make Saint Germain en Laye a perfect place to live and to work. He was an excellent Mayor and a good friend of IALA. We have always felt strong support from the whole team in the “Mairie” in the spirit of M. Lamy’s professionalism and enthusiasm. M. Lamy will be deeply missed by all in IALA and our thoughts and prayers go to his family and friends in this very difficult time.

C’était un choc terrible pour l’Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime (AISM) d’apprendre le décès de Monsieur Lamy, Maire de la ville de Saint Germain en Laye au milieu de cet important chantier qu’il a entrepris de faire de cette ville un lieu unique où il fait bon vivre et travailler.  Il était un excellent Maire et un bon ami de l’AISM.  Nous avons toujours eu un appui de taille dans notre activité de la part de toute l’Equipe de la Mairie à l’image de son professionnalisme et de son enthousiasmeM. Lamy nous manquera profondément à l’AISM et toutes nos pensées et nos prières vont vers sa famille, ses collaborateurs et amis en ces moments difficiles.

Successful two-day preparatory diplomatic conference in Paris marks progress with IGO project

On the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development of France, IALA’s host country, a preparatory diplomatic conference took place in Paris from 18 to 19 April 2017 to consider the concrete steps needed to achieve IALA’s planned change of status to that of an intergovernmental organization (IGO).

Chaired by His Excellency, Mr Serge Ségura, French Ambassador of the Oceans, the Conference developed a Roadmap towards a Diplomatic Conference to adopt a new treaty instrument. As stipulated by the IALA General Assembly, in its resolution of 27 May 2014, the envisaged “IALA Convention” will be open for signature by all United Nations member States.

The large attendance at the Paris conference set the scene for two days of active participation by 173 high-level delegates representing 56 countries from around the world where IALA has National Members (IALA has 84 National Members at present). The programme was designed to allow for an open exchange of views and comments on various aspects pertaining to the transition of IALA as an Association under French law to effective IGO status.

Delegates were provided with information about the substantive work already done by the Council and its subsidiary bodies on the legal and financial framework for the future IGO, including the background and structure of the draft IALA Convention and the draft General Regulations. In addition, international legal experts provided an insight into the processes involved in preparing for and convening a Diplomatic Conference.

A special session on cooperation with other international organizations benefited from presentations by IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and IHO Secretary-General Robert Ward. Both emphasized the importance of the IALA-IHO-IMO ‘trinity of excellence’.

A follow-up preparatory diplomatic conference is planned for early 2018 (details to be confirmed) with the aim to commence consideration of the provisions of the draft IALA Convention and the draft General Regulations. Members can access all the relevant background information, briefings, reports and input papers on the dedicated web site

International e-Navigation Underway Conference 2017

The seventh e-Navigation Underway International Conference was held from 31st January to 2nd February, 2017 on board the DFDS ferry M/S PEARL SEAWAYS, during which time she sailed from Copenhagen to Oslo and then returned to Copenhagen. The theme for the conference was e-Navigation: A Showcase of Progress and Trends. The conference was attended by 154 delegates, representing 28 countries and 8 International Organisations. The associated exhibition attracted 11 exhibitors, displaying the latest developments in e-navigation. The report is available here. Please also see the dedicated webpage here.

IALA & The city of Saint-Germain-en-Laye


The city of Saint-Germain-en-Laye kindly hosted a presentation on “European GNSS Activities in Maritime to support Safety of Navigation – EGNOS and Galileo” during the 63rd Council Meeting of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), Thursday 15 December. On this occasion, IALA offered a Crystal Award to the Mayor of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, represented by Mr Audurier (deputy mayor), in appreciation of the continuous support to IALA. On the picture, from left to right: Mr Francis Zachariae (IALA Secretary-General), Mr Gilbert Audurier (Deputy Mayor of Saint-Germain-en-Laye), Mr Alberto Fernandez-Wyttenbach (Market Innovation Officer of European GNSS Agency-GSA).

13th International VTS Symposium


The 13th IALA VTS (Vessel Traffic Services) Symposium was held 8-12 August in Kuala Lumpur hosted by the Marine Department Malaysia. The theme was Sustainable Safe Navigation and it attracted more than 300 participants and 24 exhibitors of VTS equipment from all over the world. On the picture you can see the Director-General of the Marine Department Malaysia Dato’ Baharin Bin Dato’ Abdul Hamid, IMO Secretary-General Mr. Kitack Lim, Deputy Minister Datuk Ab. Aziz Kaprawi, IALA Secretary-General Mr. Francis Zachariae and the Chairman of the organizing committee Captain Mohamad Halim Bin Ahmed opening the Symposium.

IALA wishes to thanks all Competent Authorities and VTS Authorities that have answered

IALA VTS Questionnaire results

IALA wishes to thanks all Competent Authorities and VTS Authorities that have answered. To access the results just click here.