Committee Dashboards

DTEC Dashboard


This Action Plan lists the tasks to be progressed during the current committee session. This is a living document which is kept under frequent review by the Committee Management Team (CMT). Each task has its own Task Group Leader and a dedicated workspace/meeting room. Please e-mail expressions of interest to participate in the work of a given Task Group to the specified Task Group Leader.

Working Group 1 – Digital information systems        WG1 Meeting Room

Working Group 2 – Emerging digital technologies     WG2 Meeting Room

Working Group 3 – Digital communication systems      WG3 Meeting Room

Task number TitleDescriptionTask Group Leader
DTEC-1.2.1Providing guidance on the process to implement developments of innovationDevelop a guideline on how to move from development test bed/trial reporting to implementation of innovative solutions.To be advised (task to commence at DTEC2)
DTEC-1.2.2Development of aspects of digital communications, including promoting broadband connectivity for operational technology.Based on IHO/IALA portrayal and IALA comms workshop output. 
DTEC-1.2.3Review relevant sections of NAVGUIDE in cooperation with the Secretariat  
DTEC-1.2.4Develop guidance on the provision of Marine AtoN for autonomous vehicle/vessel operations (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship, MASS).The Guideline will be continued leaded by DTECTo be advised (task continuing – current TGL Jillian Carson-Jackson)
DTEC-1.1.1Consider developing guidance on the certification of technical equipment, information systems and technical infrastructure related to MASS in the domain of IALADevelop a guideline on the certification of technical MASS equipment, information systems, and technical infrastructure within the domain of IALA.To be advised (task to be discussed at DTEC2)
DTEC-1.4.1Develop Guidance on Risk Assessment and Certification Methods in the context of e-NavigationDevelopment of guidance documents on Risk Assessment and Certification Methods in the context of e-Navigation.To be advised (task to be discussed at DTEC2)
DTEC-1.4.2Develop guidance on cyber security for Marine AtoN  
DTEC-2.2.1Full review of A-126, G1084 and other AIS associated documentationARM coordinate cross-committee review to consolidate and update AIS documentation into a succinct document suite. Take into consideration input from China MSA on Marine Electronic Fence (ARM15). 
DTEC-5.1.1WWA lesson plans to review 
DTEC-5.1.2Training on the implementation of digital solutions. Develop a guideline on skills related to the digital environment, such as data analytics and maritime informatics and associated training programs with WWA. Work with IALA WWA on possible model course / integration of digital intelligence into existing IALA model coursesWayne Quinn
DTEC-6.0.1Develop a manual on maritime communications (MARCOM Manual)Building on the work carried out on the update of the MRCP, finalise the development of the MARCOM ManualErnie Batty
DTEC-6.2.1Contribute to the development of IMT-2030 by formulating user requirements for Marine AtoN.Contribute towards the development of 3GPP mobile communication standards, with a specific focus on the maritime industry vertical.Hyounhee Koo
DTEC-6.3.2Digital communicationDevelop a guideline for migrating current an`alogue VHF voice communications to digital VHF voice communications.UK MCA (to be confirmed)
DTEC-6.3.3Develop a Guideline for VDES VDL integrity monitoringProvide references and advice for authorities to monitor the integrity of VDL. Internally, make VDES VDL operating normally. Externally, specify the common services and functions of the AIS/VDES VDL monitoring system or platform. 
DTEC-6.3.4Develop Guidelines on VDES Authentication TechniquesDescribe potential methods for authenticating VDES transmissions, including VDES R-Mode signals. Provide basis for the development of an international standard for VDES authentication, so that all mariners can have trust in e-navigation communications and future resilient positioning, navigation and timing solutions based on VDES. 
DTEC-6.3.5Develop Guidelines on VDES resource sharing and coordination/cooperationDevelop a guideline that provides framework of VDES resource sharing and coordination / cooperation for VDES satellites providers, VDES land-stations and VDES users to realize smooth and effective VDES communications on both official and private communications. 
DTEC-6.3.6Review and update R1007 The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) for shore infrastructureUpdate to the latest development of AIS 
DTEC-6.3.7Liaise with ITU on Recommendation ITU-R.M 2092-1LN to ITU WP5B in regards with the Recommendation ITU-R.M 2092-1: Consider future development of VDES 
DTEC-6.3.8Liaise with IEC on the Test standard for VDESTest standard for VDES: Contribute to the development of VDES test standard 
DTEC-6.3.9Communications channels for [public service] digital information services in coastal areasDevelop documentation on (free-to-air, non-commercial) communications channels to be used by coastal authorities for digital information transfer between ship and shore in coastal areas may absorb A-123 and A-124 
DTEC-6.3.10New IALA Guideline on VDES system integration into ship and shore sideDevelop documentation on the integration and operations of VDES for different user groups – leveraging the capabilities VDES provide and maintain them by managing the resource by optimized operations. 
DTEC-6.3.11Recommendation for the AIS ServiceDevelop Recommendation for the AIS Service Planned in draft Standard S1060 (supersedes A-124). Move recommendation A-124 content to Recommendation R0123 or remainder to Guideline(s) 
DTEC-6.3.12Review of the contents of A-124 series recommendationsA-124 APPENDIX 0 to APPENDIX 19 become Guidelines for Recommendation R1008: Move recommendation A-124 content to Recommendation R0123 remainder to Guideline(s) 
DTEC-6.3.13NAVDAT developmentDraft Recommendation and Guideline for Digital navigational data system (NAVDAT) considering shore based infrastructure 
DTEC-6.1.1Harmonized implementation of Application Specific Message (ASM)Review and update e-Nav 144 and G1095 – Update to the latest development of ASM 
DTEC-7.1.1Develop a discussion paper on digitalisation in the scope of IALADevelopment of a vision for digitalization of shipping and maritime transportation – Document sketching the IALA vision on digitalization of waterways and shippingTo be advised (to be discussed at DTEC2)
DTEC-7.1.2Digitalisation of WaterwaysDevelop a guideline on the developments and implementation of the digitalisation of waterways.Finland (Name to be confirmed) (as per DTEC1 report – name revised for clarity)
DTEC-1.4.3Guideline for Risk Assessment and Cyber SecurityGuideline for Risk Assessment and Cyber Security including Risk assessment methods Identification of risks, Identification of counter measures, Identification of core elements to ensure cyber security 
DTEC-7.1.3Review G1114 A Technical Specification for the Common Shore-based System Architecture (CSSA)Consider developing a System Architecture Concept for Digitalized Waterways and Maritime Transformation: Architecture Pattern, Architecture Overview, Architecture Details / Platforms / Services 
DTEC-7.1.4Consider developing a Recommendation for digital platformsRecommendation on platforms to be used for implementation of the proposed Architecture (G1114 Update): Definition of the architecture based on Updated G1114, Description of platform elements 
DTEC-7.1.5Review G1128 Specification of e-Navigation technical servicesRevise the Guideline from basic concepts and guideline for developers on technical services adjusted to the digital platform concepts. 
DTEC-7.1.6Recommendation on MRNProvide Input for MSCJulius Möller
DTEC-7.1.7MCP Platform SpecificationPrepare a new set of IALA Guidelines based on the Input Papers for DTEC 1Thomas Christiansen
DTEC-7.2.1Contribute to the standardization efforts with respect of the requirements of the S-100 domain expertsSupport and contribute to international standardization efforts (IMO, IHO, WMO, etc.) 
DTEC-7.2.2Coordinate Committee support and submissions for IALA representation at IHO working groups in cooperation with Secretariat (HSSC, S-100WG, NIPWG)IHO coordination including IALA submission to HSSC on the requirement to amend S-101 AtoN portrayal. 


Working Group 1 – Digital information systems        WG1 Meeting Room

TaskOther actions/commentsTG leaderVenue
2.2.1: Develop a Guideline on Marine AtoN Technical Service specification(moved to ARM inter-committee TG)
Currently, the S-125 and S-201 standards are actively developed by IALA and IHO. Besides the data model itself, a technical service specification for an AtoN information service, including the definition of its organizational context is required for the provision of AtoN information on an operational level.
2.3.1 / 2.4.2: Develop Guidance on Cyber SecurityContinue ENAV TG2.3.1
2.2.3 Maritime Services as basic concept of eNAVDevelop a Position Paper on the concept of Maritime Services as basic concept of eNAV (Quality of Services, Service Level Agreements)julius.moeller@uni-oldenburg.deENAV TG2.2.3
Joint acitivity with VTS committee on  VTS Technical Service Specification (s)(moved to VTS inter-committee TG)
TG on MASS requirements in Maritime ServicesContinue ENAV WG1 Room
2.2.12: Harmonization of S-100 data set handling in MS specificationsjulius.moeller@uni-oldenburg.deENAV TG2.2.12
Update of WG1 Work ENAV WG1 Room

Working Group 2 – Emerging digital technologies     WG2 Meeting Room

IdTask descriptionOther actions / commentsTask leaderVenue
1.1Monitor and report on technologies that may be of interest to IALA members such as Big Data Analytics, single window, AI…Tasks for future work plan (JCJ) / initial review AI/ML task proposal (60 min) (Task Leader – E Batty)ernie.b@imisglobal.comWG2
3.4IMT (3GPP) (task 3.4) Document Review, Liaison to IMOContinue the work on liaison note and othersjillian@jcjconsulting.netENAV
3.1.2 3.1.4 MRCP Review Draft revision, determine next stepsReview draft recommendation / discuss guideline / confirm topics and outline for guideline based on existing MRCP and confirm intersessional work ENAV
TG3.1.2 3.1.4
4.1.2/4.2.1 MASSContinue the work in the WG2
2.2.10Internet of Things working document from ENAV27, any comments receivedProgress on draft recommendation / guideline, agreed focus and confirm intersessional ENAV
1.1.5Technology Review Qualcom

Working Group 3 – Digital communication systems      WG3 Meeting Room

TaskOther actions/commentsTG leaderVenue
3.3: Develop strategy around revision of ITU-R M.1371-5 at ITU, and communication with IMOINF paper input for issues E (power indication) and F (VDE/ASM capabilities indication) stefan.bober@wsv.bund.deENAV TG3.3
3.2: Revision of G1117Consider input from intersessional and
3.2: Revision of ITU-R M.2092-1– status of 2092
– future of G1139:
– consider creating an input paper to ITU in November from the list of agreed changes we are having
– decide upon the existing open and new received changes
WG3 Meeting Room
Status on revision of Circ. 1610New categories for maritime stefan.bober@wsv.bund.deWG3 Meeting Room
3.3: R-ModePropose virtual meeting to gather all stakeholders and start work on the RTCM standard: strategy up to WRC-23 and stefan.bober@wsv.bund.deWG3 Meeting Room
New work programme 2023-2027– add updating of VDES specifications (G1117)
– update of AIS documentation revision of ITU-R M.2092-1 VDES
– revision of ITU-R M.1371-5 AIS
– development of a guideline on VDES shore infrastructure
– development of a guideline on the use of MMS with VDES to transport S-100 based and other products stefan.bober@wsv.bund.deWG3 Meeting Room
Status on the inauguration of the VDES stefan.bober@wsv.bund.dWG3 Meeting Room
3.1: MRCPContinued effort to support stefan.bober@wsv.bund.dWG3 Meeting Room
ENAV29 – Working group 1
TaskOther actions/commentsTG leaderDeadline for expression of interest
2.2.1: Develop a Guideline on Marine AtoN Technical Service specificationCurrently, the S-125 and S-201 standards are actively developed by IALA and IHO. Besides the data model itself, a technical service specification for an AtoN information service, including the definition of its organizational context is required for the provision of AtoN information on an operational level.thomas@dmc.international15 March
2.3.1 / 2.4.2: Develop Guidance on Cyber SecurityContinue  15 March
2.2.3 Maritime Services as basic concept of eNAVDevelop a Position Paper on the concept of Maritime Services as basic concept of eNAV (Quality of Services, Service Level Agreements)julius.moeller@uni-oldenburg.de15 March
Joint acitivity with VTS committee on  VTS Technical Service Specification (s)thomas@dmc.international15 March
TG on MASS requirements in Maritime ServicesContinue March
Working group 2
IdTask descriptionOther actions / commentsTask leaderVenue
1.1Monitor and report on technologies that may be of interest to IALA members such as Big Data Analytics, single window, AI…Tasks for future work plan (JCJ) / initial review AI/ML task proposal (60 min) (Task Leader – E Batty)ernie.b@imisglobal.comWG2
3.4IMT (3GPP) (task 3.4) Document Review, Liaison to IMOContinue the work on liaison note and othersjillian@jcjconsulting.netENAV
3.1.2 3.1.4 MRCP Review Draft revision, determine next stepsReview draft recommendation / discuss guideline / confirm topics and outline for guideline based on existing MRCP and confirm intersessional work ENAV
TG3.1.2 3.1.4
4.1.2/4.2.1 MASSContinue the work in the WG2
2.2.10Internet of Things working document from ENAV27, any comments receivedProgress on draft recommendation / guideline, agreed focus and confirm intersessional ENAV
1.1.5Technology Review Qualcom
Working group 3
TaskOther actions/commentsTG leaderDeadline for expression of interest
3.3: Develop strategy around revision of ITU-R M.1371-5 at ITU, and communication with IMOINF paper input for issues E (power indication) and F (VDE/ASM capabilities indication) stefan.bober@wsv.bund.de15 March
3.2: Revision of G1117Consider input from intersessional and
15 March
3.2: Revision of ITU-R M.2092-1– status of 2092
– future of G1139:
– consider creating an input paper to ITU in November from the list of agreed changes we are having
– decide upon the existing open and new received changes
15 March
Status on revision of Circ. 1610New categories for maritime stefan.bober@wsv.bund.de15 March
3.3: R-ModePropose virtual meeting to gather all stakeholders and start work on the RTCM standard: strategy up to WRC-23 and stefan.bober@wsv.bund.de15 March
New work programme 2023-2027– add updating of VDES specifications (G1117)
– update of AIS documentation revision of ITU-R M.2092-1 VDES
– revision of ITU-R M.1371-5 AIS
– development of a guideline on VDES shore infrastructure
– development of a guideline on the use of MMS with VDES to transport S-100 based and other products stefan.bober@wsv.bund.de15 March
Status on the inauguration of the VDES stefan.bober@wsv.bund.d15 March
3.1: MRCPContinued effort to support stefan.bober@wsv.bund.d15 March


Working Group 1 – Digital information systems        WG1 Meeting Room

IdTask descriptionOther actions / commentsTask leaderVenue
2.2Revise IALA G1128 on the Specification of e-Navigation Technical ServicesTG on a technical service description of AtoN information (using G1128 and based on the datamodel in S-125)per.lofbom@sjofartsverket.seWG1
2.2.1Develop a Guideline on Marine AtoN Technical Service specificationCurrently, the S-125 and S-201 standards are actively developed by IALA and IHO. Besides the data model itself, a technical service specification for an AtoN information service, including the definition of its organizational context is required for the provision of AtoN information on an operational level.thomas@dmc.internationalWG1
2.3.1 2.4.2Develop Guidance on Cyber SecurityAn input paper that discusses the requirements for cybersecurity regarding e-Navigation service display devices was provided to the WG. This document analyses international standards and brings them into the context of the display devices. Also, VTS provided a liaison note regarding the Cyber Security Workshop in November and the management of cyber security guidance in

2.2.3 Maritime Services as basic concept of eNAV Develop a Position Paper on the concept of Maritime Services as basic concept of eNAV (Quality of Services, Service Level Agreements)
TG on MASS requirements in Maritime ServicesAn input paper that discusses the requirements for Maritime Services in the context of MASS was provided to the WG. This document analyses different degrees of automation and maritime services and proposes considerations for MS regarding machine readability, remote control centres and monitoring. A new maritime service for remote control and monitoring is proposed. The ENAV committee is requested to consider the requirements of MASS for shore-based services and consider carrying out relevant discussions.Please contact TG leader to contribute to the task:

Working Group 2 – Emerging digital technologies     WG2 Meeting Room

IdTask descriptionOther actions / commentsTask leaderVenue
1.1Monitor and report on technologies that may be of interest to IALA members such as Big Data Analytics, single window, AI…Tasks for future work plan (JCJ) / initial review AI/ML task proposal (60 min) (Task Leader – E Batty)ernie.b@imisglobal.comWG2
3.4IMT (3GPP) (task 3.4) Document Review, Liaison to IMOReview and finalize draft recommendation and guideline (from intersessional); related liaison notes to IMT and IMO JEG on IMTjillian@jcjconsulting.netENAV
3.1.2 3.1.4 MRCP Review Draft revision, determine next stepsReview initial draft recommendation / discuss guideline / confirm topics and outline for guideline based on existing MRCP and confirm intersessional work ENAV
TG3.1.2 3.1.4
4.3.1 Suitable Technology for Maritime Single Window Review ARM work, FAL Circ. Revision, FAL Convention ENAV TG4.3.1
2.2.10Internet of Things working document from ENAV27, any comments receivedProgress on draft recommendation / guideline, agreed focus and confirm intersessional ENAV
1.1.5Technology Review Review of input from Orolia
Presentation – Orolia

Working Group 3 – Digital communication systems      WG3 Meeting Room

IdTask descriptionOther actions / commentsTask leaderVenue
3.2Liaison with ITU-R WP5B in development of ITU-R M2092-1Develop strategy within ITU stefan@sternula.comWG3
3.3VDE R-modeStatus on R-mode, test-beds,
3.2Update G1117Define the needed updates in G1117, and split out of intersessional work towards eNAV29, with the goal to get approval for publication at

Action Plan – ENAV 27

Working Group 1 – Digital information systems        WG1 Meeting Room

Task Other Actions / CommentsTask Group LeaderDeadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG 
Task 1.2 IALA SymposiumDevelopment of Presentation on Laypersons Description of
Task 2.2.2Guideline on Platforms for

Task on G1128 / S-125

 TG on a technical service description of AtoN information (using G1128 and based on the datamodel in S-125)thomas@dmc.international02-Mar

Working Group 2 – Emerging digital technologies     WG2 Meeting Room

TaskOther Actions / CommentsTask Group LeaderDeadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
Task 2.2.10 (related 1.1.5, 3.4.2) – IoTProgress on draft recommendation / guideline, agreed focus and confirm intersessional workjillian@jcjconsulting.net02-Mar
Task 3.4, 3.4.2 – IMT (3GPP)Review and finalize draft recommendation and guideline (from intersessional); related liaison notes to 3GPP and IMO JEG on 3GPPjillian@jcjconsulting.net02-Mar
Task 4.1.2 and 4.2.1 – MASSReview and finalize draft recommendation and guideline (from intersessional work); related liaison notesjillian@jcjconsulting.net02-Mar
Task 4.3 Maritime Single Window (MSW)Review FAL.5 Circ.42 / ARM Task Group on Ship Reporting
Discuss implications for IALA and Identify way forward to address task
Task 3.1.2 – MRCPReview initial draft recommendation / discuss guideline / confirm topics and outline for guideline based on existing MRCP and confirm intersessional workjillian@jcjconsulting.net02-Mar
Task 1.1.5 – Technology ReviewReview draft documents / comments received; Review / revise other work as requiredjillian@jcjconsulting.net02-Mar
Blue Sky ThinkingBrainstorming session – future work plan, role of WG2 and activities for 2022-2026jillian@jcjconsulting.net02-Mar

Working Group 3 – Digital communication systems      WG3 Meeting Room

TaskOther Actions / CommentsTask Group LeaderDeadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
Review all inputs and distribute workReview draft documents / comments received; Review / revise other work as requiredstefan@sternula.com02-Mar
Reports from ITU, IMO, IEC stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
G1139 status and future stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
New Recommendation(s) on how to use VDES stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
MRCP participation with WG2 stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
NAVGUIDE review stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
IALA liaison to ITU on revision of ITU-R M.1371-5Answer to ITU’s request for reasons for the changes proposed, with the coordination help from Hideki (as ARM, VTS and PAP will be involved)stefan.bober@wsv.bund.de02-Mar
Mobile AtoNsReal/virtual and AMRD group A: members are invited to contribute with INPUT on what changes there might be to ITU-R M.585stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
LN from IALA to ITU and IMOMSC about the protection of the usefulness of the AIS-1 and AIS-2 channel, moving AMRD to channel 2006stefan@sternula.com02-Mar
New guideline on Group-B AMRDHow devices shall work with channel 2006, and in parallel propose a PDR of ITU-R
Feedback on the new G1158 on R-ModeMembers are encouraged to provide INPUTstefan@sternula.com02-Mar

Action Plan – ENAV26

The tasks have been agreed by the ENAV Committee Management Team to be progressed during ENAV26 through virtual Task Groups (TG).  Each task has a deadline for expressions of interest to participate in the specified Task Group Leader by a certain date. Once the participants wishing to work on a task have been identified, the timings of the meetings will be arranged by the Task Group Leader in liaison with the Secretariat.

Working Group 1 – Digital information systems

Task Other Actions / CommentsTask Group LeaderDeadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
WG1 | Task 3.5: Develop a Guideline on Maritime Connectivity PlatformWill be Renamed to “Develop a Guideline on Platforms to support the Provision of Maritime Services in the Context of e-Navigation”

Dennis Jankowski

29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.2.(2): Develop a Guideline on Maritime Service PortfoliosResults from Intersessional Meeting with ARM will be discussed, Further developments will be supported. TBC29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.4.(1): Develop a Recommendation on cyber security digital information systems with focus on authenticity, confidentiality and integrity  TBC29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.2.(5): Draft Guideline Web Services based S-100 data exchangePlanned to be finalized at ENAV26

Julius Möller

29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.4.(2): Develop a Recommendation on Maritime Resource NameSupport ARM TG 5.1.7 – Develop guidance on MRN for usersTBC29 September 1200 UTC

Working Group 2 – Emerging digital technologies

Task Other Actions / CommentsTask Group LeaderDeadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
WG2 | Task 2.2.10 (related 1.1.5, 3.4.2) – IoTReview outcome of discussions; review draft recommend and guideline; related liaison notes

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 3.4, 3.4.2 – 3GPPReview outcome of discussions; review draft recommend and guideline; related liaison notes

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 4.1.2 and 4.2.1 – MASSReview draft documents on MASS, comments received

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 3.1.2 – MRCPCommence MRCP split (Rec/Guideline)

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 1.1.5 – Technology ReviewReview draft documents / comments received; Review / revise other work as required

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC

Working Group 3 – Digital communication systems

Task Other Actions / CommentsTask Group LeaderDeadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
WG3 | Review all inputs and distribute workReview draft documents / comments received; Review / revise other work as requiredStefan Pielmeier stefan@sternula.com29 September 1200 UTC