Committee Dashboards

MASS Dashboard

Bulletin Board – MASS Task Force

This is the dashboard of the MASS Cross-Committee Working Group often referred to as the MASS Task Force.


The meeting will be held the 05 February 2024 (13.00 UTC) in the IALA Headquarters as a hybrid meeting. The following action items will be considered and the purpose of the meeting will be focused on the WS on scenarios for MASS, the executive summary as the main outcome, to make it available to other organisations and next steps to present the rest of deliverables until the Council 80: what kind of format the group wish to put in place to meet the deadline.

Action itemProgress
The Secretariat will send an invitation for the next meetingDone
The Secretariat is requested to modify the roadmap for the MASS TF deliverables and activities to present the deliverables during the Council 80 (May 2024).Done
Minsu Jeon and Valtteri Laine are requested to continue reporting on the status of work in the IHO Project team.To be delivered
The Secretariat is required to finalise the report of the WS on Establishing scenarios for MASS and conduct the review process (internal / external)Done
The WS participants, MTF and PAP members are requested to review the report of the WS on Establishing scenarios for MASS before the deadline for PAP inputs.Done
The Secretariat is required to forward the final report of the WS on Establishing scenarios for MASS to PAP 52 (6-8 February).Done
Hideki Noguchi is requested brief on relevant part of the IMO MASS Code that have implications for IALA.To be delivered


The meeting was held on 04 October 2023 in the IALA Headquarters as a hybrid meeting. Next meeting 5th February 2024 at IALA HQ.

Action items – 2023.10.30

Action itemProgress
The Secretariat will send an invitation for the next meetingDone
The Secretariat is requested to modify the roadmap for the MASS TF deliverables and activities to present the deliverables during the Council 80 (May 2024).Under progress
Minsu Jeon and Valtteri Laine are requested to continue reporting on the status of work in the IHO Project team.No progress
The Secretariat is required to finalise the report of the WS on Establishing scenarios for MASS and conduct the review process (internal / external)Under progress
The WS participants, MTF and PAP members are requested to review the report of the WS on Establishing scenarios for MASS before the deadline for PAP inputs.No progress
The Secretariat is required to forward the final report of the WS on Establishing scenarios for MASS to PAP 52 (6-8 February).No progress
Hideki Noguchi is requested brief on relevant part of the IMO MASS Code that have implications for IALA.No progress



2023.02.15: The meeting was held on 6 March 2023 in the IALA Headquarters as a hybrid meeting.

Action items:

Action item 1: ENG and VTS Committees are requested to provide inputs to the guideline as depicted in the table of contents of the guideline agreed by the PAP members.


2022.07.22: The meeting was held on 12 September 2022 in the IALA Headquarters as a hybrid meeting.

Action items:

Action item 1 Jillian Carson-Jackson to share the draft guideline on MASS with all members.

Action item 2 Secretariat prepare a draft road map of the MASS TF for the next meeting

Action item 3 Simon Millyard and Hideki Noguchi to prepare a draft information paper on the MASS TF to MSC 106 for the next meeting

Action item 4 Hideki Noguchi to take the role of rapporteur of the MASS TF on IMO MSC matters

Action item 5 Eunice Noguchi to take the role of rapporteur of the MASS TF on IMO FAL matters

The following meeting were arranged, input papers and reports are available in the “File share” area.

2022.05.30: Third meeting of the MASS TF

2021.12.08: Second meeting of the MASS TF

2021.08.05: First meeting of the MASS TF

2021.07.08: Background, composition and Terms of Reference added to the “About” tab of the dashboard.