
Showing 81–96 of 174 results

ID Title Last revised date Format
G1124 G1124 The Use of Ports and Waterways Safety Assessment (PAWSA MkII) 03 June 2022 PDF: English
G1121 G1121 Navigational Safety within Marine Spatial Planning 16 June 2017 PDF: English
G1120 G1120 Disaster Recovery 16 June 2017 PDF: English
G1122 G1122 The Use of Pictograms on Aids to Navigation 16 June 2017 PDF: English
G1119 G1119 Marine beacon coverage prediction 16 December 2016 PDF: English
G1118 G1118 Marine casualty – incident reporting and recording including near-miss situations as it relates to VTS 31 January 2022 PDF: English
G1116 G1116 Selection of rhythmic characters and synchronisation of lights for Aids to Navigation 16 December 2016 PDF: English
G1117 G1117 VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) Overview 16 December 2022 PDF: English
G1100 G1100 The Accreditation and Approval Process for AtoN Personnel Training 15 December 2017 PDF: English
G1107 G1107 Planning and Reporting Testbeds on the maritime domain 16 December 2022 PDF: English
G1106 G1106 Producing an IALA S100 Product Specification 16 June 2017 PDF: English
G1114 G1114 A Technical Specification for the Common Shore-based System Architecture (CSSA) PDF: English
G1088 G1088 Introduction to Preparing S-100 Product Specifications 07 December 2012 PDF: English
G1096 G1096 Anticipated User e-Navigation Requirements from Berth to Berth for AtoN Authorities 31 May 2013 PDF: English
G1087 G1087 Procedures for the Management of the IALA Domains under the IHO GI Registry 16 June 2017 PDF: English
G1017 G1017 Assessment for Recognition of Prior Learning in VTS Training 10 June 2021 PDF: English