
E-bulletin Archive: 2019

Conferencia Diplomática y seminario sobre Seguridad de la Navegación

La Conferencia Diplomática se celebrará del 25 al 28 de febrero de 2020 en el Grand Hyatt en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. Se invita a los delegados a registrarse en línea: y descargar los documentos disponibles en la página de la reunión: La conferencia estará precedida por un seminario sobre Seguridad de la Navegación […]

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Conférence diplomatique et séminaire sur la sécurité de la navigation

La Conférence diplomatique est prévue du 25 au 28 février au Grand Hyatt de Kuala Lumpur en Malaisie. Les délégués sont invités à s’inscrire en ligne : et à télécharger les documents disponibles sur la page dédiée : La conférence sera précédée d’un séminaire sur la sécurité de la navigation qui se tiendra le lundi […]

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Estoy muy complacido que la estructura moderna, clara y armoniosa para la operación eficiente proyectada hacia el futuro de los Servicios de Tráfico de Buques (VTS), esté lista para una implementación más amplia y una eventual adopción por parte de la Organización Marítima Internacional (IMO). El comité de la VTS, a finales del último mes […]

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Je suis très heureux qu’un cadre moderne, clair et harmonisé pour un fonctionnement efficace des VTS soit prêt pour une large consultation et une éventuelle adoption par l’OMI. La Commission VTS, à la fin du mois dernier, a unanimement validé les résultats du travail de révision des Lignes directrices pour les services de trafic maritime […]

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Message from the Secretary-General

I am very pleased that a modernized, clear and harmonized framework for the effective operation of Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) into the future is ready for wider consultation and eventual adoption by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The VTS Committee, late last month (September 2019), unanimously endorsed the results of its comprehensive revision work on […]

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Diplomatic Conference and Seminar on the Safety of Navigation

The Diplomatic Conference is scheduled to be held from 25 to 28 February 2020 at the Grand Hyatt in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Delegates are invited to register online: and download the papers available from the meeting page: The conference will be preceded by a seminar on the Safety of Navigation held on Monday […]

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First Marine Aids to Navigation Manager course conducted by the Pacific Community

IALA was very pleased to support the first Marine Aids to Navigation Manager course conducted by the Pacific Community in August 2019. The course was highly successful and brought nine marine aids to navigation professionals together in Fiji where they covered a wide range of topics with expert lecturers from the Pacific Community, Fiji and […]

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Inaugural WAtoN Day and annual IALA Day

The fact that so many IALA members throughout the world celebrated the inaugural World Marine Aids to Navigation (WAtoN) Day, on 1 July 2019, was a powerful affirmation of the indispensable role of marine AtoN in enhancing safety of navigation and protection of the environment. It also brought IALA’s important technical work to the attention […]

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WWA Mission in Gambia

A technical needs assessment mission to the Republic of Gambia (RoG) was conducted by the Capacity Building and Resources Manager of the Academy, Mrs. Gerardine Delanoye, from 15 to 24 May. The purpose of the mission was to assess the delivery of AtoN services in the waters of the RoG and to provide appropriate advice on possible improvements to […]

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Seminar on the use of the IALA Risk Managment Toolbox

IALA held a training seminar on the use of the IALA Risk Management Toolbox was held during 20th – 24th May 2019, at its Headquarters in Saint Germaine-en–Laye, France. The aim of the seminar was to present participants with the concepts of risk management, the importance of stakeholder liaison and the value of the four IALA Risk Management Tools: IALA Waterway Risk Assessment […]

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Mensaje del Secretario General

Estoy muy contento, y de hecho sorprendido, por las entusiastas iniciativas de los Miembros de todo el mundo para celebrar el Primer Día Mundial de la Ayudas a la Navegación (WAtoN) el 1° de julio. Los eventos organizados en países como Brasil, Argentina, Dinamarca, Japón, Portugal, España, Vanuatu, entre otros; son una excelente manera de […]

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Message du Secrétaire Général

J’ai été agréablement surpris de toutes les initiatives très enthousiastes des membres autour de la première journée mondiale des aides à la navigation maritime, le 1er juillet 2019. Les évènements organisés autour du monde sont un excellent moyen de faire connaitre les activités de l’AISM [pour la sécurité et l’efficacité des navires et la protection […]

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Message from SG

I have been very pleased – and indeed amazed – about the enthusiastic initiatives of members around the world to celebrate the first World Marine Aids to Navigation (WAtoN) Day on 1 July. Events organized worldwide are an excellent way to make IALA’s technical achievements [for the safe and efficient movement of vessels and the […]

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Council 69

Summary of Council 69 held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands With the growing membership the Committee meetings attract more and more participants.  The change in Committee structure discussed at the last Council meeting had been a success.  The Secretariat made a survey among the participants and the results were helpful to identify administrative and minor concerns, […]

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Distance Learning 2019

The IALA World Wide Academy offers a distance learning programme to achieve qualification as an international IALA Level 1.1 Marine Aids to Navigation Manager. The programme consists of two modules of online learning, activities, case studies and examinations in addition to a residential course at an Accredited Training Organisation at various international locations. If all […]

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Workshop on Ranging Mode (R-Mode)

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) is hosting a workshop on Ranging Mode (R-Mode) at IALA Headquarters, Saint-Germain-en-Laye from 9-12 September 2019.  The working language will be English. The workshop is supported by the project R-Mode Baltic which is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development […]

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La perspectiva de que la Conferencia Diplomática adopte el proyecto de Convención a principios de 2020 marca un paso decisivo hacia la transición de la Asociación al estatus de Organización Intergubernamental. Más información sobre este último acontecimiento es el resultado de la Tercera Conferencia Diplomática Preparatoria, magníficamente organizada por la Dirección General de Seguridad Costera […]

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IALA está en camino hacia el estatus Intergubernamental

La Asociación Internacional de Ayudas a la Navegación y Autoridades de Faros (IALA), que tiene miembros nacionales en 82 Estados costeros de todo el mundo, convocará una Conferencia Diplomática a principios de 2020 para adoptar un nuevo marco legal sobre su transición de una Asociación internacional no gubernamental a una Organización Intergubernamental (OIG). El Gobierno […]

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