Committee Dashboards

ENAV26 Dashboard

Chair: Hideki Noguchi
Vice-Chair: Jorge Arroyo
Secretary: Jaime Alvarez
WG1 chair: Axel Hahn
WG2 chair: Jillian Carson-Jackson
WG3 chair: Stefan Pielmeier
Other facts about the ENAV committee

Link to ENAV committee file-sharing area   (use your IALA website username and password).
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the secretary via e-mail by clicking on the name above.

ENAV26 Bulletin Board

ENAV26 Input papers – Now also available through this link.

ENG12 Familiarization session on IALA working tools –Two slots are at your disposal on the 25 September 2020, the first is scheduled at 0800 UTC and the second at 1300 UTC. Here is the link for the AM session. Here is the link for the PM session.

ENAV26 opening plenary – ENAV26 opening plenary will take place on 10:00-12:00 UTC 29 September 2020. Here is the link to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting.

ENAV26 closing plenary – ENAV26 closing plenary will take place on 10:00-12:00 UTC 23 October 2020. Here is the link to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting.