Committee Dashboards

ENAV26 Action Plan

The tasks have been agreed by the ENAV Committee Management Team to be progressed during ENAV26 through virtual Task Groups (TG).  Each task has a deadline for expressions of interest to participate in the specified Task Group Leader by a certain date. Once the participants wishing to work on a task have been identified, the timings of the meetings will be arranged by the Task Group Leader in liaison with the Secretariat.

Working Group 1 – Digital information systems

Task Other Actions / Comments Task Group Leader Deadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
WG1 | Task 3.5: Develop a Guideline on Maritime Connectivity Platform Will be Renamed to “Develop a Guideline on Platforms to support the Provision of Maritime Services in the Context of e-Navigation”

Dennis Jankowski

29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.2.(2): Develop a Guideline on Maritime Service Portfolios Results from Intersessional Meeting with ARM will be discussed, Further developments will be supported.  TBC 29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.4.(1): Develop a Recommendation on cyber security digital information systems with focus on authenticity, confidentiality and integrity  TBC 29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.2.(5): Draft Guideline Web Services based S-100 data exchange Planned to be finalized at ENAV26

Julius Möller

29 September 1200 UTC
WG1 | Task 2.4.(2): Develop a Recommendation on Maritime Resource Name Support ARM TG 5.1.7 – Develop guidance on MRN for users TBC 29 September 1200 UTC

Working Group 2 – Emerging digital technologies

Task Other Actions / Comments Task Group Leader Deadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
WG2 | Task 2.2.10 (related 1.1.5, 3.4.2) – IoT Review outcome of discussions; review draft recommend and guideline; related liaison notes

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 3.4, 3.4.2 – 3GPP Review outcome of discussions; review draft recommend and guideline; related liaison notes

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 4.1.2 and 4.2.1 – MASS Review draft documents on MASS, comments received

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 3.1.2 – MRCP Commence MRCP split (Rec/Guideline)

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC
WG2 | Task 1.1.5 – Technology Review Review draft documents / comments received; Review / revise other work as required

Jillian Carson-Jackson

29 September 1200 UTC

Working Group 3 – Digital communication systems

Task Other Actions / Comments Task Group Leader Deadline for expressions of interest to participate in a TG
WG3 | Review all inputs and distribute work Review draft documents / comments received; Review / revise other work as required

Stefan Pielmeier

29 September 1200 UTC