Committee Dashboards
VTS49 Calendar
Committee wide meetings
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
Link |
VTS49 Opening Plenary | 21 September 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed. |
IALA’s Role and Strategy for the S-200 product specifications Presentation / Minsu Jeon | 6 October 2020, 1130 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Vision on future VTS / Harmen van Dorsser | 7 October 2020, 1040 UTC | Meeting has passed |
IALA World-Wide Academy Update Presentation / Kevin Gregory | 8 October 2020, 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Presentation on the use of VTS portable simulators for training / Carlos Salinas | 13 October 2020, 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
VTS49 Closing Plenary | 15 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Working Group 1 meetings
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
Link |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.1 | 23 September 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
IALA Document Editorial Amendment Group (Post Resolution Adoption) – Task | 24 September 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2)
24 September 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1089 to be inline with Revised IMO Resolution on Vessel Traffic Services post adoption. (task | 25 September 2020, 0900 – 1030 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) | 28 September 2020, 0900 – 1030 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.2 | 29 September 2020, 0830 – 1030 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.2 | 29 September 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.3 | 1 October 2020, 0830 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) Meeting No.2 | 1 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1141 on Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS. (task 1.2.1) | 1 October 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.3 | 2 October 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.4 | 5 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.4 | 5 October 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1141 on Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS (task 1.2.1) Meeting No.2 | 6 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) Meeting No.3 | 8 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.5 | 8 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.5 | 9 October 2020, 1030 – 1230 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) Meeting No.4 | 12 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1141 on Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS (task 1.2.1) meeting No.3 | 12 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.6 | 13 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Working Group 1 Closing Plenary | 13 October 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Working Group 2 meetings
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
Link |
Working Group 2 introductory session | 22 September 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.1 | 23 September 2020, 0800 – 0900 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.1 | 24 September 2020, 0600 – 0700 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.2 | 24 September 2020, 0730 – 0830 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Initial Meeting (task 2.2.3) | 24 September 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (task 2.1.1) Meeting No. 1 | 25 September 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.2 | 28 September 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.3 | 29 September 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Update (task 2.2.3) Meeting No. 1 | 29 September 2020, 1100 -1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 2 | 29 September 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.4 | 1 October 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.3 | 1 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Update Meeting No. 2 (task 2.2.3) | 1 October 2020, 1100 -1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 3 | 2 October 2020, 1100-1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.4 | 5 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Update Meeting No. 3 (task 2.2.3) | 5 October 2020, 1100 -1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.5 | 6 October 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 4 | 6 October 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Status and progress in the different Task Groups | 7 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.6 | 8 October 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.5 | 8 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guidance for Acceptance of VTS systems (Task 2.2.3) Meeting No. 1 | 8 October 2020, 1100 – 1230 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 5 | 9 October 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Working Group 3 meetings
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
Link |
Additional information |
Working Group 3 introductory session | 22 September 2020, 1030 – 1130 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Review tasks, identify/review input papers, confirm work process and meeting dates.
Task Group on Human Factors (task 3.1.1) |
23 September 2020, 0800 – 0900 UTC |
Meeting has passed |
Presentation from experts / discussion of task.
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.1 |
24 September 2020, 0800 – 1000 UTC |
Meeting has passed | Summary of work to date and training workshop, Review R0103 (revised) and associated Guideline (finalize for Committee review). |
Task Group on Review of G1014 on the Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training (task 3.4.1)
28 September 2020 1030 -1130 UTC |
Meeting has passed | – |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1017 on Assessment of Training Requirements for Existing VTS Personnel, Candidate VTS Operators, Revalidation of VTS Operator Certificates (task 3.3.2) |
29 September, 1000 – 1100 UTC |
Meeting has passed | – |
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.2
30 September 2020, 0830-1000 UTC |
Meeting has passed | Continue review of Guideline associated with R0103 |
Task Group on Guideline on the Management of VTS (task 3.2.1) |
30 September 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC |
Meeting has passed | Identification of VTS Management, roles and responsibilities |
Task Group on Human Factors (Task 3.1.1)
1 October 2020, 0700 – 0900 UTC |
Meeting has passed |
Review of draft guideline.
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1014 on the Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training (Task 3.4.1) Meeting No. 2 |
1 October 2020, 1030 – 1130 UTC |
Meeting has passed | |
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.3 |
2 October 2020, 0800 – 0900 UTC |
Meeting has passed |
Continue review of Guideline associated with R0103
Task Groups on Review of G1017 (task 3.3.2) and Review of G1014 (task 3.4.1)
6 October 2020, 0930 – 1030 UTC NOTE – meeting will take place via Zoom |
Meeting has passed | Meeting ID: 815 1951 3727 Passcode: 199180 |
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.4
6 October 2020, 1030 – 1130 UTC |
Meeting has passed | Continue review of Guideline associated with R0103 |
Task Groups on the Revision of V-103/1 model course (task 3.3.1) and Guideline on the Management of VTS (task 3.2.1)
8 October 2020, 0700 – 0830 UTC NOTE – meeting will take place via Zoom |
Meeting has passed | Meeting ID: 838 5979 6762 Passcode: 075451 |
Working Group 3 closing session |
12 October 2020, 0700 – 0830 UTC |
Meeting has passed | Review WG3 report, AOB and confirm output. |